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2017-04-02 18:07:06 +02:00
CTML - written by Tinfoilboy
uses the MIT License (
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
namespace CTML {
// the types of nodes used for the html
// DOCUMENT_TYPE doesn't use the element name, but uses
// the content to determine the document type to use
// ELEMENT is just a normal element
enum class NodeType { DOCUMENT_TYPE, ELEMENT };
// a few enums for readability of the HTML
// SINGLE_LINE returns the string as one line
// MULTILINE returns the string as multiple lines, which is good for file outputs or readability.
// MULTILINE_BR is essentially the same as MULTILINE, but the difference is that newlines in the content of the node are formatted to use <br> tags.
enum class Readability { SINGLE_LINE, MULTILINE, MULTILINE_BR };
// the state of the Node name parser
// NONE means that nothing is being parsed
// CLASS means that a class attribute is being parsed
// ID means that an ID is being parsed for the node
enum class NodeParser { NONE, CLASS, ID };
class Node {
// the type of node this
NodeType m_type;
// the name of this node, e.g. div, a, span, e.t.c.
std::string m_name;
// the classes for this node
std::string m_classes;
// the ids for this node
std::string m_id;
// the content of this node
std::string m_content;
// determines whether or not to add a closing tag (ie. </name>)
// if this is false, it also doesn't add content to the tag
// as there is nowhere to place content
bool m_closeTag = true;
// the child elements of this node
std::vector<Node> m_children;
// an unordered_map of attributes, name is the attribute name and the value is the attribute value
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> m_attributes;
// default constructor, does nothing
Node() = default;
// create a node with the name specified
Node(const std::string& name) {
this->m_type = NodeType::ELEMENT;
// create a node with the name specified, also containing the following content
Node(const std::string& name, const std::string& content) {
this->m_type = NodeType::ELEMENT;
this->m_content = content;
// return this node as an html string
std::string ToString(Readability readability, int indentLevel) const {
// the element string that will be returned
std::string elem = "";
// the four space indent.
std::string indent = "";
std::string indentContent = "";
// if the readabilty points is either multiline types, this would be true
bool isMultiline = (readability == Readability::MULTILINE || readability == Readability::MULTILINE_BR);
// increment the indent string by four spaces based on the indentLevel
// but only if the readabilty is MULTILINE OR MULTILINE_BR
if (isMultiline) {
for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) {
indent = std::string(INDENT_SPACES * indentLevel, ' ');
// set the m_content indent level to the indent level plus four more spaces
indentContent = std::string(INDENT_SPACES * (indentLevel + 1), ' ');
if (this->m_type == NodeType::ELEMENT) {
// construct the first part of the element string, the tag beginning
elem = ((isMultiline) ? indent : "") + "<" + m_name + "";
// add the class list if it isn't empty
if (!m_classes.empty()) {
std::string classTag = "class=\"";
elem += " " + classTag + m_classes + "\"";
// add the id list if it isn't empty
if (!m_id.empty()) {
std::string idTag = "id=\"";
elem += " " + idTag + m_id + "\"";
// make an iterator for each attribute
for (const auto& attr : m_attributes) {
elem += " " + attr.first + "=\"" + attr.second + "\"";
// close the beginning tag
elem += ">";
// only add the content, as well as the closing tag if it is
// specified to do so
if (m_closeTag)
// if multiline is specified and the content/children aren't empty, add a newline
if (isMultiline && (!m_content.empty() || !m_children.empty()))
elem += "\n";
// if we have m_content to append
if (!m_content.empty()) {
// format the elements content based on the readability, as well as the indent level for content
elem += _GetFormattedContent(readability, indentContent);
// get every child node from the m_children list
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_children.size(); ++i) {
const auto& childNode = m_children[i];
// append the child node to the elem string.
// if this is not the last child node append a newline if multiline
elem += childNode.ToString(readability, indentLevel + 1) + ((i != m_children.size() - 1 && isMultiline) ? "\n" : "");
// if multiline is specified and the content/children aren't empty, add a newline and indent
elem += ((isMultiline && (!m_content.empty() || !m_children.empty())) ? "\n" + indent : "") + "</" + m_name + ">";
else if (this->m_type == NodeType::DOCUMENT_TYPE) {
// just construct the docm_type from the m_content given, if readability is wanted, add a newline
elem += "<!DOCTYPE " + m_content + ">" + ((isMultiline) ? "\n" : "");
return elem;
std::string GetTreeString(int indentLevel) const {
// the tree string
std::string tree;
// indent level
std::string indent(INDENT_SPACES * indentLevel, ' ');
// turn the class list into actual classes for the elements
std::string classList = m_classes;
std::replace(classList.begin(), classList.end(), ' ', '.');
// if the class list isn't empty, prepend a period
if (!classList.empty())
classList = '.' + classList;
// add the current element to the tree
tree += indent + " |_ " + this->m_name + classList + '\n';
// for each child
for (const auto& child : m_children) {
tree += child.GetTreeString(indentLevel + 1) + '\n';
return tree;
Node& SetName(const std::string& name) {
// the index of a period
const auto periodIndex = name.find('.');
// the index of a pound sign
const auto poundIndex = name.find('#');
// if there are classes in the name
if (periodIndex != std::string::npos || poundIndex != std::string::npos) {
// if the pound index comes before the period index
bool poundBefore = (poundIndex != std::string::npos && poundIndex < periodIndex);
// get the first index for parsing
// if pound comes first, or there are no periods, use the first pound index first
// else use the first period index
const auto ind = ((poundBefore || (periodIndex == std::string::npos && poundIndex != std::string::npos)) ? poundIndex : periodIndex);
// get the element name
std::string elemName = name.substr(0, ind);
// parse the current ids and classes
// set the element name to the built element name
this->m_name = elemName;
else {
this->m_name = name;
return *this;
std::string GetAttribute(const std::string& name) const {
// the class attribute is tracked with m_classes, so we return that instead of m_attributes[name]
if (name != "class" && name != "id" && m_attributes.count(name) > 0)
else if (name == "class")
return m_classes;
else if (name == "id")
return m_id;
return "";
std::string GetSelector() const {
std::string classesPeriod = _ReplaceAllOccurrences(m_classes, " ", ".");
return m_name + classesPeriod + "#" + m_id;
Node& SetAttribute(std::string name, std::string value) {
// setting the "class" attribute would make there be two class attributes on the element
// so therefore, if the name of this is class, we just override "m_classes"
if (name != "class" && name != "id")
m_attributes[name] = value;
else if (name == "class")
m_classes = value;
else if (name == "id")
m_id = value;
return *this;
Node& SetType(NodeType type) {
this->m_type = type;
return *this;
Node& SetContent(const std::string& text) {
this->m_content = text;
return *this;
Node& ToggleClass(const std::string& className) {
size_t findIndex = m_classes.find(className);
if (findIndex == std::string::npos) {
// append the class
m_classes += ((!m_classes.empty()) ? " " : "") + className;
else {
// remove the class
m_classes.erase(findIndex, className.size());
return *this;
Node& AppendChild(Node child) {
return *this;
Node& UseClosingTag(bool close) {
this->m_closeTag = close;
return *this;
std::string _GetFormattedContent(Readability readability, const std::string& indent) const {
std::string result;
std::istringstream iss(m_content);
// if we are using either variant of multiple lines, run this.
if (readability == Readability::MULTILINE || readability == Readability::MULTILINE_BR) {
// the newline string, differs between MULTILINE and MULTILINE_BR
std::string newline = ((readability == Readability::MULTILINE_BR) ? "\n" + indent + "<br>\n" : "\n");
// the current line iterated
int curLine = 0;
// iterate through each line in this node
for (std::string line; std::getline(iss, line);)
result += ((curLine > 0) ? newline : "") + indent + line;
else {
// iterate through each line in this node
for (std::string line; std::getline(iss, line);)
result += line;
// replaces all instances of "<" in the content with "&lt;", to escape rogue HTML
//result = _ReplaceAllOccurrences(result, "<", "&lt;");
// replaces all instances of ">" in the content with "&gt;" to escape rogue HTML
//result = _ReplaceAllOccurrences(result, ">", "&gt;");
// return the result of the content
return result;
std::string _ReplaceAllOccurrences(std::string replacer, const std::string& replacable, const std::string& replace) const {
// the start of the current replacable string
size_t start = 0;
// try and find each occurrence of replaceable until it can't be found
while ((start = replacer.find(replacable, start)) != std::string::npos) {
// replace the actual string
replacer.replace(start, replacable.length(), replace);
// add to the start so that find can be run again
start += replace.length();
// return the replaced string
return replacer;
int _CountOccurrences(std::string finder, const std::string& findable) const {
// the occurrences of the string
int occurrences = 0;
// the start of the current replacable string
size_t start = 0;
// try and find each occurrence of replaceable until it can't be found
while ((start = finder.find(findable, start)) != std::string::npos) {
// replace the actual string
// add to the start so that find can be run again
start += findable.length();
// return the replaced string
return occurrences;
void _ParseClassesAndIDS(std::string classesAndIDs) {
// what is currently being parsed
// zero for nothing
// one for class
// two for id
NodeParser currentlyParsing = NodeParser::NONE;
// the string for the class or ID
std::string attrString;
// iterate through each character in the string
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < classesAndIDs.size(); i++) {
// the current character being iterated
char curChar = classesAndIDs[i];
if (currentlyParsing == NodeParser::NONE) {
// if the current character is a period, set the current parsing to class
// else if the current character is a pound sign, set the current parsing to id
if (curChar == '.') {
currentlyParsing = NodeParser::CLASS;
else if (curChar == '#') {
currentlyParsing = NodeParser::ID;
else {
// if the current character is a period, set the current parsing to class
// else if the current character is a pound sign, set the current parsing to id
if (curChar == '.' || curChar == '#') {
if (currentlyParsing == NodeParser::CLASS)
m_classes += attrString + " ";
// if we hit an id, we just reset the id
// this is because HTML only allows for a single id on each element
m_id = attrString;
currentlyParsing = ((curChar == '.') ? NodeParser::CLASS : NodeParser::ID);
else {
// add the current character to the class or id string
attrString += curChar;
// if we are at the last character, and are still parsing something, add it to the respective attr
if (currentlyParsing != NodeParser::NONE && i == classesAndIDs.size() - 1) {
if (currentlyParsing == NodeParser::CLASS)
m_classes += attrString;
// if we hit an id, we just reset the id
// this is because HTML only allows for a single id on each element
m_id = attrString;
// if there is an extra space at the end of m_classes, remove it
if (!m_classes.empty()) {
if (isspace( - 1)))
m_classes = m_classes.substr(0, m_classes.size() - 1);