# Pokespearean Pokemon description API as if it was written by Shakespeare. ## How to run it The project that needs to be run should be the one named `Pokespearean`. The project should be run using Visual Studio 2019(VS). The project has 3 running profiles: 1. IIS Express 2. Pokespearean 3. Docker The first 2 profiles will run the project directly(clicking on the green play button in VS), opening a browser window at `http://localhost:5000`. In this case you need to add to the path "/pokemon/{pokemon name}" where instead of `{pokemon name}` you need write the name of the pokemon, if the pokemon is found, a json string with `name` and `description` will be shown in the browser. In case you want to use the "Docker" profile, make sure you have "Docker Desktop" installed, from the [docker website](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop).