using System.Net.Mail; namespace decePubClient.Helpers { public static class SUtility { public static T IfTrueThen(bool conditionIsTrue, T ifTrue, T ifFalse = default) { if (conditionIsTrue) return ifTrue; else return ifFalse; } public static bool TimeBetween(this DateTime datetime, TimeSpan start, TimeSpan end) { // convert datetime to a TimeSpan var now = datetime.TimeOfDay; // see if start comes before end if (start < end) return start <= now && now <= end; // start is after end, so do the inverse comparison return !(end < now && now < start); } public static string GetFileIcon(string fileName) { switch (Path.GetExtension(fileName)) { case ".odp": case ".pptx": return "file-powerpoint"; case ".ods": case ".xlsx": return "file-excel"; case ".odt": case ".docx": return "file-word"; case ".pdf": return "file-pdf"; case ".jpg": case ".jpeg": case ".png": return "file-image"; default: return "file"; } } public static bool IsValidEmail(string email) { try { var addr = new MailAddress(email); return addr.Address == email; } catch { return false; } } } }